In The Palava Hut
What is a Palava Hut?
In Liberia, West Africa, the Palava Hut is a gathering place where traditional leaders hold court. Or in other settings, it can be used as a place where friends gather to share their thoughts. My heart for this blog is to be able to invoke candid/meaningful conversations that will help us grow. Mentoring is the heart of Agape, and everything we do centers around hearing the hearts of the people we come into contact with. Our sincere hope is that you will hear the hearts of the leaders who write, you will be encouraged in your daily life, you will share this new perspective with others, but most of all, you will share your thoughts and hearts with us (and the larger community).
Join us... IN THE PALAVA HUT ~Agape

Seek the ONE THING
David's only desire was to be in the presence of God to see His beauty and splendor. (Psalm 27:4) What is your one thing? Whatever that...